
The Soft Opening of The Scapers Network Blog

So here is the deal, I’m calling this the friends and family soft opening of my Blog. Lucky lucky you right? I know, well just calm down because I’m mostly going to be writing about business stuff, primarily landscape business stuff. But sometimes I’m just going to write whatever I feel like writing. Thats what I’m going to do today, so you can stick around for this one. After this one then you can just scroll on by if you dont like it. It wont hurt my feelings, I promise. Anyway, I figured now would be a good time to get this party started with the blog. I mean what better time than this to add more minutiae into the social media universe? Everyone is sitting around in their PJ’s pretending to be interested in the latest Zoom meeting. Working form home is now the new norm and the slow…

Still Going To Work In 2020? Landscapers Are!

Are you still going to work? I bet if you are in the industry I am in you are. You see, I am in the landscape business and there is no working from home in this profession. No Zoom meetings, no wearing PJ’s till noon, no skipping out for a quick workout during lunch. None of that, nada, nope. We tend to work outdoors, and you just cant really bring all that outdoor stuff inside. Generally we social distance by default because we work on landscape projects that include mowing big honkin areas with big honkin equipment. Sometimes we plant things like trees and shrubs which requires digging and no one wants to be digging right next to another sweaty person so again, social distancing is in full force here too. Now I happen to have a different role in the business, I’m what is called an owner. Thats just…

Almost August

It’s almost August, I mean you may not even start reading this until August so if that is the case I apologize. I bring up the month because I came across some notes I was writing back in May. Man, how things change so fast. Think back to April and May and how hectic things were for your company. I know they were for mine. The notes I wrote down went something like this: May 2018 – My focus is survival right now, all new people, new managers, downsized and it’s all happening at once..Help!! (well I didn’t write the help part but it’s how I felt!) – Very stressed, I feel like I’m on a rollercoaster, constantly up and down. – All new people, new field employees, new staff. Need to maintain and get through spring. – Some customers are not happy, need to fix this fast! And on…

Obstacles & Optimism

I’m reading a really good book called The Obstacle is the Way by Ryan Holiday. What I really like about the book is how it relates to business and what is happening in my rebuilding process. So many of us, myself included, look at obstacles as roadblocks to success. But the premise of the book is to look at the obstacle as a way to get better, stronger, smarter and ultimately win in life and business. We all have obstacles in business and life. It is our perception and how we react to them that makes the difference. We can certainly freak out or we can try to find solutions, to get around our obstacles, to use them to our advantage, to help us learn a new way or see things from a different point of view. Lets face it running a business is full of obstacles every day. YOU face them…

Dig In

It’s a new year. Already February. Time to dig in! Already February? How did that happen? What have you done so far to move things forward? I hope you have done something or a lot of somethings. C’mon already, dig in and make it happen. A good friend of mine just passed away. It hit hard. We only have so much time and then it’s gone. Puts things in perspective. Makes you think. What’s important? My hope is that I can make a difference. Through my company, in my personal life, with my writing and speaking and working with other company owners. A positive impact. That’s important….to me What’s important to you? Time to dig in, get it done and take no prisoners. It’s already February. What are you waiting for? Thanks for reading.

My 3 Simple Rules for Rebuilding My Company

I built a seven figure landscape business and then I tore it down. I blew it up, to bits and bits. I threw a lot of it away. Let a lot of it go. Some on purpose, some by chance and some because if I kept holding on to it, it would eventually be my undoing. It was hard, and it still is hard and the harder it gets the stronger I become! I’m at the point right now where hard is an every day thing. As a matter of fact I want it to be hard, I want it to be so damn hard that I have to rise to the occasion! Every. Single. Day. Get stronger, every single day and that’s exactly what I’m doing. I’m in the middle of a rebuild with my company. Just like I tore it down, now I am building it back up.…
